Nepalese School

Despite the earthquakes, life goes on at Shri Bhagawati Primary School, Kaski Dist.
This is a school for the children of lower caste, often impoverished, craftsmen – the shoemakers, weavers and blacksmiths.
Many schools in Nepal are private. This is a school for those who have nothing. (Their uniform is donated). I've met the staff and children and seen how little they have to work with.
Since then, I've been trying to raise funds; an extra teacher was brought in to teach English for a week, using my last donation. (English is a clear way out of poverty for the Nepalese). There are too few teachers - without help progress is slow.
In 2024, each child was given a warm, woolen, blue jumper.
All profits from sales of my work go to support the children of this tiny, mountain school.